100 Useful Command-Line Utilities

by Oliver; 2014

60. tr

tr stands for translate and it's a utility for replacing characters in text. For example, to replace a period with a newline:
$ echo "joe.joe" | tr "." "\n"
Change lowercase letters to uppercase letters:
$ echo joe | tr "[:lower:]" "[:upper:]"
Find the numberings of columns in a header (produced by the bioinformatics program BLAST):
$ cat blast_header 
qid	sid	pid	alignmentlength	mismatches	numbergap	query_start	query_end	subject_start	subject_end	evalue	bitscore
$ cat blast_header | tr "\t" "\n" | nl -b a
     1	qid
     2	sid
     3	pid
     4	alignmentlength
     5	mismatches
     6	numbergap
     7	query_start
     8	query_end
     9	subject_start
    10	subject_end
    11	evalue
    12	bitscore
tr, with the -d flag, is also useful for deleting characters. If we have a file tmp.txt:
$ cat tmp.txt
a a a a 
a b b b
a v b b
1 b 2 3
$ cat tmp.txt | tr -d "b"
a a a a 
a v  
1  2 3
This is one of the easiest ways to delete newlines from a file:
$ cat tmp.txt | tr -d "\n"
a a a aa b b ba v b b1 b 2 3
Tip: To destroy carriage return characters ("\r"), often seen when you open a Windows file in linux, use:
$ cat file.txt | tr -d "\r"