100 Useful Command-Line Utilities

by Oliver; 2014

58. join

join joins two sorted files on a common key (the first column by default). If:
$ cat tmp1.txt
1	a
2	b
3	c
$ cat tmp2.txt
2	aa
3	bb
$ join tmp1.txt tmp2.txt 
2 b aa
3 c bb
My lab uses a short Perl script called tableconcatlines (written by my co-worker, Vladimir) to do a join without requiring the files to be pre-sorted:
#!/usr/bin/env perl

# About:
# join two text files using the first column of the first file as the "key"

# Useage:
# tableconcatlines example/fileA.txt example/fileB.txt

%h = map {/(\S*)\s(.*)/; $1 => $2} split(/\n/, `cat $ARGV[1]`);

open $ifile, '<', $ARGV[0];

while (<$ifile>) 
	print $_ . "\t" . $h{$1} . "\n";