100 Useful Command-Line Utilities

by Oliver; 2014

33. git

git is a famous utility for version control in software development written by Linus Torvalds. Everyone doing serious software development uses version control, which is related to the familiar concept of saving a file. Suppose you're writing an article or a computer program. As you progress, you save the file at different checkpoints ("file_v1", "file_v2", "file_v3"). git is an extension of this idea except, instead of saving a single file, it can take a snapshot of the state of all the files and folders in your project directory. In git jargon, this snapshot is called a "commit" and, forever after, you can revisit the state of your project at this snapshot.

The popular site Github took the utility git and added servers in the cloud which (to a first approximation) respond only to git commands. This allows people to both back up their code base remotely and easily collaborate on software development.

git is such a large subject (the utility has many sub-commands) I've given it a full post here.